No matter who we are or how successful we have been, all of us consistently need to increase our level of intactness to experience continual growth and success, and hence, more truly live the life we are meant to live! However, winning is extremely difficult to do on your own; we need wisdom, experience, strategies and coaching to help bring heart wholeness, healing, and intactness that brings forth true in depth freedom, truth and inner strength and emotional intelligence.
This app provides three artificial intelligence coaches, all working together, texting with you, and driving you to take your mind, heart and spirit to greater levels in order that you can be triumphant in every area of your life. All three virtual coaches make use of…
•Proven techniques that have helped millions
•Motivational movie clips
•Inspirational Music and quotes
Download getIntact, allow our artificial intelligence coaches to get your heart free and whole, allow for healing both inisde and out, and intactness that brings forth true in depth freedom, truth and inner strength, and emotional intelligence, all so that you can TRULY LIVE!